Hilo Activities & Attractions

What’s your pleasure? Hilo has everything a vacation needs to make it special. Tap into the past with museums that give history new life. Tap into the future at a state-of-the-art astronomy center, where a three dimensional universe bursts into your senses. Surf before lunch, golf before dinner. Meander through tropical botanical gardens as rich with life and color as the ocean you can snorkel. Hike around a volcano’s rim, and through pristine snow at the roof of the Pacific. Kayak over the surf and make friends with the dolphins. In East Hawaii there are opportunities to pursue, challenges to meet and memories to create.

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In fringilla, mi sed congue pellentesque, neque tortor laoreet libero, at dapibus lacus elit a diam. Cras vestibulum vulputate quam vel malesuada.

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Integer gravida, leo sit amet hendrerit convallis, diam nisl bibendum mi, in sodales sem mi et nibh. Phasellus porttitor dapibus turpis non commodo.

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